Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Retrospect & New Year Focus

Well, what can I say?   This had to be the best Christmas day ever.  This is the first Christmas with our new baby boy, Brandt Culver McClung.   My wife, Michelle, and I made a decision that Brandt is our Christmas gift this year.   So, we did buy presents for one another but we didn't go "overboard" as we have in the year's past.   There was an "odd" feeling when I sat a the bottom of the Christmas tree and we stacked up 5 presents for each of us; vs. 20!  An overwhelming sense of "peace and fulfillment" has filled my heart today.

We spent the day with family...immediate family and extended family.   I realize how incredibly blessed I was in 2010.  Crown Event Rentals grew way quicker than anybody would have told me resulting in a 400% increase over last year's business.  Michelle gave me the most amazing gift in Brandt; but also in her love for me.   I surrounded myself with a strong, creative, team of people to become part of the business.

In 2010 I reflect on those who made the joys of this year possible...My great team for Crown Event Rentals, our families, wonderful clients and a great friend in Peter Filozof.  Peter is a local OBGYN and he (and his great wife Stacy) are friends first.  It just so happens that he is a great doctor who helped us to make Brandt's life possible.

Speaking of Brandt....what can I say?   This little guy has changed my life in just a short month.  I am very used to "getting up and going" with little regard to time or schedule.  Michelle, and I, would look at each other (in the past few years) and say, "Let's go to Disney next month" or "Wanna' go to Columbus for the weekend?"  Let's just say those days are over :)    This little gift from God dictates what we do, when we do it and how we do it.   He is incredibly selfless; yet demands our full attention.  I know that marrying a spouse is a great love.  However, when you have this little guy who is dependent on you for die to self and he becomes the next "want to" vs. "have to."   I'm not a morning person; nor do I wake up well from sleep.   Brandt couldn't care less...if it's 4am he wants one of three things; a clean diaper, formula or boob!  (Well, the third items is currently unavailble from daddy ;)   Let's just say that he gets formula during the night; if need be.

So, God gave me this amazing baby boy.  But God blessed me with a beautiful wife who is completely wired for this mama thing!   I watch her with Brandt and just get lost in who she becomes and what she is as a beautiful woman of God.   It's like God has the "Mama t-shirt" ready for when the time comes....Mama slips into the shirt and takes on the role as if she's done it all her life.   She is truly amazing...

Work.  Well, I've never been more excited for a New Year to begin.  My work is crazy-stacked up already.  We have over 40 weddings and 60 corporate events on the books for 2011.   (That's without even advertising or marketing!)   I imagine those numbers will triple.   My next  big projects include taking down Christmas Decor for Peoples Bank (3 locations), Camden Clark, Mountain State Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Bank, Holl's Chocolates and the President's Home at Marietta College.

Follow that with getting all of the Marketing and Advertising ready for "The Great Bridal Event" 2011 - Our BIGGEST Trade Show of the year organized by Crown Event Rentals.  We expect 120 vendors and over 2000 people to show up at the Elite Sports Center on Sunday, March 6, 2011.   We have the St. Joe Heart Ball at the end of February and the list just keeps growing.

We begin an advertising commercial on WTAP in January and I'm excited to see how that goes for us.   

I just sit back and I'm mezmorized by God's love and grace.   I pray to God to keep me creative.   If I'm not creative people don't hire me.  Creativity is as important to me as fingers are to a surgeon.  Creativity is as important to me as a voice is to a newscaster. 

The craziest little things spark creativity in my soul.  Sometimes I surprise myself.   I think it's a matter of always being able to think outside of the creative limits.

I've been having crazy dreams and visions about building on to our FULL 10,000 square foot Event Rental & Prop Warehouse.  Let's just say we need to get the debt down (on the building) since we just opened in March 2009!  However, I have this 5 year and 10 year plan for the business.  I am an impatient person, so, I want the 5 year plan to move up to a 2/3 year plan.  So, I will work harder!  In my dreams I see all of the great event props, and decor, that I have had over the years (and sold, pitched or gave away) and I also see TONS of props and decor that I had the opportunity to "get/have/buy" that I turned down because of lack of storage.  UGH!

I laugh and tell people that Brandt will enjoy coming to work with Daddy someday.  He will be the only kid who goes back to school after Summer Break while in 3rd Grade and the teacher will ask, "What did you do this Summer?"  Brandt, with spikey hair, will raise his hand high and reply, "I learned how to polish silverware and carry plastic tubs."   (Jesus, please don't let him get beat up.)

Brandt will go on to Elementary School and come home to tell me, "Daddy, I told the Principal that you will organize our school carnival and give them everything they need."   He will then get to High School and inform me, "Dad, you're doing our prom."   Then again, I could have a kid who totally hates his parent's business!   One thing my child will always know is the value of a dollar and that I worked hard to get where we are today.

So, what's on the 2011 "Creative List" for me?   Let me throw some of the themes atcha' - Wild West, Egyptian, 3-Ring Circus, Sugar, and tons more...Add to that list an anticipated list of over 120 brides; all with their own ideas, and we have quite a year coming up!   I'm looking forward to focusing back on the Corporate Events while allowing my team to execute the wedding projects.  Wedding rentals were never an area that I thought I'd trod...Michelle told me, demanded me, to enter into that arena and I thank her for that nudge. 

Hmmm...just looked at the clock and Christmas Day, 2010, is now over.  If I were younger, the trees would be coming down tomorrow and I'd get an adrenaline rush to get "Christmas Gone and New Year On..."   Not this year, much to the surprise of my wife, Christmas may be up a little into January. 

Well friends, once again...this is just a tremendous amount of ramblings and I hope I didn't bore you to tears!   Be well and be blessed in 2011!   Keith 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Hello Blogging World...I've never really been one to read many blogs or to even take the time to sit down and write a blog!   What an amazing week I have experienced.   The most wonderful Thanksgiving gift arrived; courtesy of my beautiful wife....Brandt Culver McClung was born on November 23rd.   We love him so much and I experienced a love deeper that what I thought I could ever experience.  It's a love that's different from loving your spouse or your family.  There is a new-found responsibility.  I remember when Brandt was born and as Peter Filozof was pulling him from my wife's stomach (c-section), I saw him slip from his safe-haven to a cold word.  His arms stretched wide and although they were bloody, icky and covered in companions from a 9 month journey I was able to shut what some may be sickened by off and focus on this new little boy who caused me to say to myself, "I love him.  I love my wife.  I want to work harder.  I want to save more.  I want to be the best dad in the world."  

Brandt's birth was a realization from a 2 1/2 year journey of trying to get pregnant.   Wow...what a roller-coaster of emotions we experienced on this journey.  Each month brought hope until Michelle's monthly visitor arrived...let down.  We got so sick of people saying, "You're trying too hard or you need to quit trying and it will happen..." blah...blah...blah...   Until you are on that journey you have no idea the roller coaster that you ride.   We have friends who are driving 65mph on that road right now and we prayed for them the night before Michelle delivered.  The prayer was, "God, please let us be sensitive to our struggling friends and be able to share our birth without shoving it in their face and God, PLEASE give them the desires of the heart and allow them to experience this tremendous blessing of having a child."   I've had the chance to talk to one of these friends and I pray for her daily.

So...the title of this blog is "Blessed."   The year 2010 had to be the hardest I have ever worked in my life.  God opened the doors for "Crown Event Rentals" to grow wings and actually purchase, and open, a physical location.  For around 13 years I have been coordinating all kinds of corporate events and functions.  I'm a self-admitted pack-rat and I kept nearly all of the props and decor from the events.  I don't buy the crap props...I do spend money on these items and couldn't part with most of them.  Well, garages, basements and storage units were packed to the rafters.   In the Fall of 2009 we began a journey to purchase a 10,000 square foot warehouse to open our business.   We were faced with a neglected warehouse complex.  I walked in and saw the potential.  I talked to Michelle about the opportunity and expected her to say, "you are crazy!"   Well, it was the opposite.  She said, "let's do it!"

After some negotiating and a painful renovation (and clean-out) as well as 6 24' box truckloads, Crown Event Rentals opened.  I always said I would not venture into the wedding industry.  Brides were not my "cup of tea." (Well, only one bride and I married her!)  Michelle was constantly telling me to branch out into the wedding industry.  So, we did.  The rental company exploded in 2010.  Before we even opened we were blessed to a severe level of bombardation! (is that a word?)  Brides were knocking on the door the day the signs were put on the building (and we were not ready!)

From March to the end of December 2010 we worked with over 90 brides, over 60 corporate functions and maintained several marketing retainers with area clients.   God blessed me with a 500% increase over 2009.  I don't say that to brag...I say that for a couple of reasons.  a) God is good!   b) the area was ready for a new Event Rental company.

So, what's the secret of Crown Event Rentals?   I don't think there's a secret.  It's more of a business lifestyle.  We believe in being a different kind of company.  You may walk through our 10,000 square foot facility and it's a mess.  I don't apologize any longer.   It's a sign that we are growing and that we can't keep up!   As a rental company we set up and strike events; if needed to do so.   We give out TONS of free advice and recommend favorite vendors. 

My biggest struggle for 2010 was to balance this quickly growing company with maintainting my current list of corporate events and marketing clients.  I had to surrender several marketing clients :(   Just had to do it.  I had to balance out the fact that for what I was making for working with a client for 30 days I could make the same amount in a 30 minute meeting renting tables, chairs and linens.   It was a wise business decision.  I still maintain great relationships with those clients.

People ask me all of the time, "How did the economy affect your business?"  Well, it didn't.  Fathers and Mothers figure out ways to pay for their daughter's wedding.  We saw people dipping into 401K's and using life savings.  We are not in a position to tell people how to pay for their weddings.  It's like a's something you have to pay for; regardless of the economy.

My biggest struggle is remaining creative.   I did miss Disney World this year.   That place just inspires the crap out of me.  I want to be a Disney Imagineer.  Unfortunately, I have no desire to move to Florida.  Do you think they will consult with me from P-burg?  Uhhh...I don't think so.

I have an amazing portfolio of unrealized events.   They arrived as midnight brain farts, looking at a magazine and thinking, "hey, I could do that as an event," etc....    I found the file this evening and was amazed that there are so many un-tapped event concepts to be realized.

So, what's ahead for me, life and Crown Event Rentals.   First and foremost, I want my wife to keep me accountable to never miss an important moment in Brandt's life.  My work-drive is incredibly strong and deep.  I need to be able to not get lost in "what I do" and be sure to take in "what I love."   I love my family.  I love my dogs.   I love my job.   I need to keep the priority in line.  Being the bread-winner will cause me to put the job first .  I have to re-train myself to be the best husband and daddy. 

The BIGGEST thing for me to learn in 2011 is to "Say NO!"  I was talking with Dominique Holl yesterday (Holl's Chocolates) and he was talking about a sign by his desk that says, "Just Say No."   It's true.   I really bent to many requests in Crown Event Rental's first year that I should have never bowed.   I did event set ups and lost my shirt.  I promised items that I didn't have only to go in the hole with the order.  I'm learning this "no" thing.   I also learned that you can say "no" by charging an enormous price and some people will pay that price.   I realized that several times this year.

Back to what's ahead for Crown Event Rentals.  I have to get through December.  See the time?  Right now it's 2:30am.  I'm exhausted and wide-awake.  Why?  Too many projects swimming in my brain.   This week alone, here's what was/is on my list.   Install Holl's Chocolates Christmas Decor, Install Mountain State Blue Cross Blue Shield's 20' Tree and Lobby Decor, Set up for 150 person wedding, Decorate 3 Bank Lobbies for Christmas, Decorate the President's Mansion at Marietta College, Get ready for 3 additional wedding rentals for this weekend, Set up a 30' Christmas Tree and Lobby Decor for Camden Clark's South and North Towers, Set up for the Camden Clark Memorial Hospital Foundation "Christmas In New York" Gala for Saturday.   Then it all starts over again on Monday!    

I went from working solo (sometimes calling in for some back-up) to employing 8 people (per project) since March.   I have surrounded myself with an amazing team.  They are great, creative, people.   2010 also allowed me to reconnect with some great friends in business.  Kim Couch, Misti Sims and so many others entered back into my life.   I gained new friends through the Rental Company from Debbie Finchem and Jen Burdette to Curt Plummer and Cissy Henry and the list goes on and on and on.....

I told Michelle that we have around 40 weddings already booked for 2011 as well as 30 corporate functions/activities re-booked.   

I have already filled this 10,000 square foot warehouse.  (Which is good, but bad for a pack-rat as myself.)  However, this warehouse is not the "forever-place" for Crown Event Rentals.  It will always be part of our company for storage but I have had dreams of a 50,000 square foot warehouse.  I have  5 year and a 10 year plan.   We're going tri-state baby!  Give me a few years and it will happen.  My dreams are absolutely mind-blowing and I'm a goal-oriented WILL happen.  

The event clients keep coming...the brides keep knocking...and my wife keeps loving me through all of the crazy wedding and event seasons.  

You are my friends.  Keep me grounded!   Boy, I work hard.  I'm not afraid of working hard.  Sometimes I work too hard. My old body is getting old!  I'm 39 and I already need a knee replacement. I need to drop 10 pounds (Thanks Honey....I gained weight during your pregnancy) and I need to trust others to run with some projects; on my behalf.  (wow...that's a hard one...)

Well, a 30' Christmas Tree (at Camden Clark) will be calling me in 6 1/2 hours.  Oh...I did finish my favorite Christmas installation.  Go and see the animated window displays at Peoples Bank in Marietta, Ohio.  It's a great display; if I say so myself.  It's WAY totally inspired by Disney Christmas a few years ago.  It really is worth driving up to see.

I hope my first blog wasn't a total bore!  
Blessings to you my friends.
